A Quiet (ish) week / Wythnos Dawel (ish)
Ar ôl wythnos brysur iawn o ffilmio’r wythnos diwethaf roedd yr wythnos yma yn dawel iawn i’w gymharu! Cafodd Osian a Dave ychydig o amser i ymlacio ar ôl wythnos brysur yn ffilmio Project Z, ond cafodd Jonny ddim egwyl ar ôl rhedeg Marathon Eryri dros y penwythnos! Mae wedi bod yn gweithio ar gyfres newydd o Rhod Gilbert’s Work Experience yr wythnos hon. Cawsom ni’r pleser o weithio ar y gyfres ddwythaf hefyd ac rydym ni’n falch iawn o gael gweithio ar y gyfres newydd!
Gan ei bod hi’n Galan Gaeaf yr wythnos hon, roedd hi’n briodol iawn bod Osian a Dave yn gweithio ar raglen plant ‘Zombie’ yr wythnos hon! Ar ddydd Gwener roedd Osian a Dave yn gweithio ar Project Z eto! Mae Project Z yn rhaglen ‘zombie’ i blant ar S4C ac ITV, a enillodd RTS eleni a BAFTA flwyddyn dwythaf! Rydym yn falch iawn o gael gweithio ar y rhaglen hon eto eleni.
Mae Josh wedi bod yn brysur iawn yn mynd ar recce’s yr wythnos hon ar gyfer ein shoot corfforaethol. Yr wythnos diwethaf roeddem allan yn ffilmio mewn ysgolion a gyda theuluoedd yn eu tai, ac roedd Josh allan yr wythnos yma yn chwilio am fwy o leoliadau i ni ffilmio! Rydym ni yn edrych ymlaen at fynd i ffilmio ar gyfer Qualifications Wales eto dydd Llun nesaf.
Awydd gwylio rhywbeth arswydus y penwythnos yma? Dyma restr o ffilmiau arswyd Ewropeaidd i chi! - https://www.bfi.org.uk/news-opinion/news-bfi/lists/10-great-european-horror-films
After a busy week of filming last week, this week was quiet in comparison! Dave and Osian had a well-deserved break after a busy week of filming Project Z, but the was no break for Jonny after running the Snowdonia Marathon over the weekend! Jonny’s been filming the new series of Rhod Gilbert’s Work Experience this week. We had the pleasure of working on the last series and we’re so glad to be working on the series again this year!
Since it’s Halloween this week, it was very fitting for Osian and Dave to be working on a Zombie-filled children’s programme this week! On Friday Osian and Dave worked on Project Z. Project Z is a Zombie-themed children’s programme on S4C and ITV which was awarded an RTS this year and a BAFTA last year! We’re really glad to be working on the programme again this year.
Josh has been busy going on recce’s this week for our corporate shoot. Last week we were out filming with families in their homes and in schools, and Josh was out this week scouting for more locations for us to film! We look forward to filming for Qualifications Wales next Monday!
Fancy watching something spooky this weekend? Here’s a list by the BFI of 10 European Horror films to watch - https://www.bfi.org.uk/news-opinion/news-bfi/lists/10-great-european-horror-films