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Pennod Newydd / New Chapter

Rydym ni mewn swyddfa newydd! Ers tua mis nawr, mae criw COPA wedi symud o ‘The Sustainable Studios’ i W2 yn Nhreganna. Roeddem ni fel criw yn teimlo fel ei bod hi’n amser am newid ar ôl bod yn yr un swyddfa am 4 mlynedd. Hoffem ni ddiolch i TSS am eu croeso ar hyd y blynyddoedd, fe nawn ni fethu chi! Rydym ni nawr wedi setlo mewn ac wrth ein boddau yn ein swyddfa newydd.

Mae gennym ni aelod newydd o staff wedi ymuno efo ni’r wythnos hon. Ein Cynorthwyydd Cynhyrchu newydd yw Gwenno Tomos o Fangor. Mae hi newydd raddio o Brifysgol Aberystwyth efo gradd mewn Astudiaethau Ffilm a Theledu. Fe fydd Gwenno’n gyfrifol am ddelio gyda chleients, edrych ar ôl kit, rhedeg cyfryngau cymdeithasol COPA yn ogystal â helpu tu ôl y llen ar shoots. Rydym yn falch iawn o groesawu Gwenno i’r tîm!

Ar hyd y misoedd diwethaf rydym ni wedi cael y pleser o weithio ar gyfres newydd CIC ar Stwnsh. Rydym wedi cael y cyfle i weithio gyda mawrion y byd Rygbi a Phêl-droed, er enghraifft Owain Tudur Jones, Rhys Patchell, Robin McBryde a llawer mwy! Mae gweithio gyda chriw CIC wastad yn llawer o hwyl ac rydym ni wrth ein bodd ein bod wedi gweithio ar y rhaglen eto eleni. Mae CIC yn cael ei ddarlledu bob Nos Wener ar Stwnsh am 17:40.

Yn olaf, mae COPA Creadigol wedi gorffen cynhyrchu fideo cerdd ar gyfer band Gorwelion BBC, Codewalkers. Fe wnaeth y tîm ddarparu gwasanaeth llawn er mwyn cynhyrchu’r fideo ar gyfer y band, o’r cysyniadolrwydd, castio, cyn-gynhyrchu, cyfarwyddo, saethu ac ymlaen i’r golygu a dosbarthu. Cadwch lygad allan ar wefannau cymdeithasol Codewalkers, mae’r fideo yn cael ei ryddhau dydd Iau yma, 03.10.19.


We’ve moved! About a month ago the COPA team moved offices from ‘The Sustainable Studios’ to W2 in Canton. We felt that it was time for a change after being in the same office for 4 years. We’d like to thank TSS for everything they’ve done for us over the years, we’ll miss you! By now we’re now settled in nicely and love our new office.

A new member of staff joined the COPA team this week. We’re hugely excited to welcome our new Production Assistant, Gwenno Tomos from Bangor. She’s just graduated from Aberystwyth University with a degree in Film and Television Studies, and in her first week she’s jumped straight into her responsibilities, which include liaising with clients, looking after our kit, running our social media as well as helping out on shoots. We’re very glad to welcome Gwenno to our team!

Over the last few months, we’ve loved working on the new series of CIC, which is now being aired on Stwnsh, S4C at 17:40 every Friday. We’ve had the chance to work with legends from the Worlds of rugby & football, for instance, Owain Tudur Jones, Rhys Patchell and Robin McBryde to name only a few! Working with the CIC crew is always an absolute joy, and we’re proud to say that we’re once again working alongside their talented team.

Finally, our COPA Creative team has finished production on a music video for “BBC Horizons” band, Codewalkers. From conceptualisation, casting, pre-Production, Directing, shooting and on to editing and delivery, our team provided a full service of creating the video for the band. Keep your eyes peeled and pointed towards Codewalkers’ social media, the video will be released this Thursday, 03.10.19.

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