Pennod Newydd / New Chapter
Rydym ni mewn swyddfa newydd! Ers tua mis nawr, mae criw COPA wedi symud o ‘The Sustainable Studios’ i W2 yn Nhreganna. Roeddem ni fel...

November Roundup | Hanesion yr ....
November has seen us out and about across Wales and beyond. Our TV crew have been shooting for documentaries with BBC One, BBC 3 & ITV....

October Roundup | Hanesion yr Hydref
It’s been a packed October for our creative, tv crewing and aerial filming teams. The start of the month saw our creative team filming...

TV Advert Goes on Air
Over the Summer we created a TV advert for Dragon Cheese, which has gone on air on ITV Wales and S4C throughout October. Together with...

CIC wins a BAFTA Cymru! | CIC yn ennill BAFTA Cymru!
Last year we worked on CIC, a children’s magazine show all about football, and were delighted when it won the BAFTA Cymru award for best...

Hello Things are looking a bit different, we decided after six years as SSP Media we needed a change. Why? because SSP stood for Skint...